MTL offers authorized wholesale distribution of soft-ferrite, MPP (molypermalloy), High Flux, XFlux®, Kool Mµ®, Kool Mµ® MAX, Kool Mµ® Hƒ, and Edge® for the Power conversion industry. MTL is an authorized distributor for both Magnetics® Incorporated (a Div. of Spang) and Micrometals Incorporated. We carry a vast amount of sizes and materials within our inventory and we can also offer you technical assistance with cross-referencing an obsolete part. We offer low minimum orders ($80) for Domestic shipments and can schedule large orders from 6 to 12 months for your convenience.
At MTL we have a knowledgeable staff to assist your needs. We offer assistance with alternatives for obsolete and hard to find cores. We also carry a large inventory of associated hardware such as bobbins, clips, headers, etc.
We are your high-quality magnetic source for your power design needs. Request a quote today!
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